Search trong Text File
We know that the ListBox can contain lots of text (of a maximum number 65535). I've used to display content of a text file in a Listbox. I used to display the ListBox Events (incidents) occur in real-time.Suppose we record all Events happen in real-time of a security system, we know who that is, into and out of doors, at what time. The Events have just been down to a text log file, newly added to a ListBox to always display the latest event at the end of the ListBox.Once you have all Events in the ListBox, we can search (search) if a person has to go through the door of the building by any iterate through each row in the ListBox and a Text Pattern recognition of the InStr function .
In this form, you type the name of a person into the TextBox and then click Find and then Find Next to highlight the Events in the ListBox shows at the person's name appears. While searching for a Text Pattern can allow both uppercase, lowercase and by covert all text to Uppercase before working with them.
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Listing của Sub Find_Click như sau:
In this paper we have used a DriveListBox for User to select a disk drive, a DirListBox user to select a Folder / Directory and a FileListBox to display the names of the Files in a Folder.
Private Sub CmdFind_Click() Dim i, ALine, FText ' Get out if the Listbox is empty If EventList.ListCount = 0 Then MsgBox "There 's no text available" Exit Sub End If ' Check if user has entered the Text Pattern If Trim(txtFind) = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter the Text Pattern to search for" Exit Sub End If ' Clear all selected lines For i = 0 To EventList.ListCount - 1 EventList.Selected(i) = False Next ' Convert the Text Pattern to Uppercase FText = UCase(txtFind.Text) ' Iterate through every line in the ListBox For i = 0 To EventList.ListCount - 1 ' Convert this line to Uppercase ALine = UCase(EventList.List(i)) ' If pattern exists in this line then highlight it If InStr(ALine, FText) > 0 Then EventList.Selected(i) = True ' Highlight the line ' Mark Current line as the Starting line for FindNext operation If i < EventList.ListCount - 1 Then CurrentLine = i + 1 ' get out Exit Sub End If Next ' Only get here if Not found MsgBox "Not found!" End Sub
All three together ListBoxes this link to tell us that eating rhythm changes when changing from Disk User Disk Drive Drive through another, or from the folder to another folder. The codes of conduct this very simple as follows:
We can choose only the filenames that a certain extension (eg log ) by the Property Pattern of FileListBox value " *. log ".
Private Sub Drive1_Change() ' Make Path of Folder same as new Drive Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive End Sub Private Sub Dir1_Change() ' Make Path of FileList same as new Path of Folder ' The filenames in the Folder will be displayed automatically in FileListBox FileList.Path = Dir1.Path End Sub
Every time the user clicks on the name of a file, program content of the file will load itinto the right ListBox EventList.
After a selected number of rows then, the User can either print them out by clicking the button Print or copy them to Clipboard by Click Copy .
You can download the source code of this program to fully co
Dùng ItemData
Neu Property List ListBox được xem cua Nhu mot Text Array thi ItemData là mot Number Array, vaList1.ItemData (i) the cap can DJI List1.List (i) . Tuc Trong là chi List1.List (i) the thi Nhu Hien mat cua mot tam trước Bản thi List1.ItemData (i) được COI Nhu nam o mat cua sau tam Bản ay. Chi mot List item thay đổi vi tri Trong Listbox co vi su bien đổi Trong ListBox (thi du bi Items removed hay được cho inline VAO) thi cua ItemData List item Djo cũng theo DJI can no.I see the following example. Into a Sorted Listbox name of the staff in the office. Immediately after an employee is called for in the Property Listbox NewIndex contains the location of the item to be added to it in the ListBox. I used to assign values NewIndex ItemData with employee ID number. When the user clicks on a name in the Listbox, program will display the number of employee names and employee ID. To test this example, you can Paste the code below into the Declaration of a Form that contains a Listbox and a Label. Remember to set the Sorted property to True List1.
Private Sub Form_Load() ' Fill List1 and ItemData array with ' corresponding items in sorted order. List1.AddItem "John Green" ' Add an employee name ' Use NewIndex to synchronise with Employee ID ' Assign Employee ID to ItemData of the List Item List1.ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = 62310 List1.AddItem "Tran The Tam" List1.ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = 42859 List1.AddItem "Alan Bradshaw" List1.ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = 63732 List1.AddItem "Peter Costello" List1.ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = 34127 End Sub Private Sub List1_Click() ' Fetch the employee number Msg = List1.ItemData(List1.ListIndex) & " " ' Concatenate it with the employee name. Msg = Msg & List1.List(List1.ListIndex) ' Assign string to Label to display Label1.Caption = Msg End Sub
ListBox to use Queue
When to see a theater, we often have to stand lined up to buy tickets. The row is called Queue . The purpose of the Queue is used for large number of people need a service that will be served in turn in order of who comes first will be addressed first. Queue of such principles is called First-In-First-Out (the first, the first one). Conversely, if people want to be served before we will have the most turbulent, and ultimately, no one can be resolved.For example we have a Form named frmServer, which have a Listbox named List1. If there are many other Forms in the same program to a service by frmServer what, we'll Queue Add an item by the end of List1. In the Item that contains the details that will need to know to frmServer service.
FrmServer party, every 3 seconds it will above all Remove Item (ie index = 0) in Item List1 and handling it.In this paper we only Remove Item 0 then add it into List2.
Private Sub CmdAddToQueue_Click() Dim myRequest As String Dim PersonId As String * 5 Dim PersonName As String * 20 ' Assign PersonId to fixed length text PersonId = txtPersonId.Text ' Assign PersonName to fixed length text PersonName = txtPersonName.Text ' Concatenate Id and Name myRequest = PersonId & PersonName ' Queue the request frmServer.List1.AddItem myRequest End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim Item If List1.ListCount > 0 Then ' Look at the item at the head of the queue Item = List1.List(0) ' Process Item - just add it to List2 here List2.AddItem Item ' Remove item from queue List1.RemoveItem 0 End If End Sub
You can download the source code of this program to test
Suppose we have a Checkbox Listbox List1 with Style and more Items to buy in the supermarket. When users choose to run progarm some items and then click Process , program will display the selected item.
Listing của Sub CmdProcess_Click như sau:
CheckBox Listbox
If you select the value of a CheckBox Property Style Listbox instead of Standard, allitems in the Listbox will have a square box in front to the User can select at run program.Square box of items that are checked (tick), then he is "Selected Item.Suppose we have a Checkbox Listbox List1 with Style and more Items to buy in the supermarket. When users choose to run progarm some items and then click Process , program will display the selected item.
Listing của Sub CmdProcess_Click như sau:
Private Sub CmdProcess_Click() Dim Mess As String ' get out if there's nothing in the list If List1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub ' Iterate through every item of the checkBox Listbox For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1 ' If item is selected then include it in the shopping list If List1.Selected(i) Then ' Append Item and a Carriage Return-LineFeed Mess = Mess & List1.List(i) & vbCrLf End If Next ' Display shopping list MsgBox Mess, vbInformation, "Selected Shopping Items" End Sub
Listbox with multiple columns
Listbox has a Property called Columns. Normally, the Property Columns with a value of 0. But if you give it by 3 for example, the Listbox will try to show four columns within the width of the Listbox. If so I still do not fully display all Items in a Listbox Horizontal Scrollbar will appear, and when you click on it to the right Listbox will display more columns remaining.
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Listbox Combobox very similar. It is a combination of a textbox at the top to the User for the data and a Listbox that contains the items that user can choose to open it. Combo box there are methods such as Clear, AddItem and RemoveItem . However, no Combobox Selected Property because the user does select the item that is displayed in the Item Text box above.Combobox with 3 styles. Drop-down Combo Style is the most common. It elective or choose a User Item List or reviews data from the textbox. In the picture below User type in text instead of selecting from the Elephant Items available.
Drop-down List User required to select one item in the List, do not type new data into the textbox. Even while running program (at run-time) you can not Assign a value to the Text property of the Combobox this category. But you can make Combobox display such items by the 3rd set of Combo ListIndex property to 2.
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