Graphics Methods
While Graphical Controls like Shape, Line gives us the design drawing at the Graphics Methods to draw these things at run-time. We can also put individual spots (pixels) or copy a Picture from one place to another.
Just a bit of experience you can do animation (animation) or create amazing visual effects without having to touch the Windows API (Application Programming Interface) to use the BitBlt function .
Please start a new VB6 project and DoubleClick on a PictureBox Icon in the Toolbox to place a PictureBox on a form. PictureBox named was picGraphic and set its Visible property to False so that we do not see it at run-time.
Now load a picture into the Picture property of a Bitmap picGraphic Browse by file from the Properties window. Here we choose INTL_NO.BMP from the folder \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ Common \ Graphics \ Bitmaps \ Assorted
In this program we want everyone when pressing the left button of mouse down and move the mouse cursor when the cursor is where they go, the INTL_NO are drawn to it.
We will use a Flag to mark the button-left-of-Mouse-Down, named flgMouseDown . Upon receiving themouseDown event is set flgMouseDown the True , and when receiving Event MouseUp flgMouseDown I reset to False . Every time you receive MouseMove Event is True, then if we will PaintPicture flgMouseDown INTL_NO.
To clear the form's background, we add a button to run the graphic method nameCmdClearForm Cls. Below is a sample code listing:
Note that you must declare variable flgMouseDown outside to any Sub Subs are found and can use it.For more details on how to use the method PaintPicture , the VB6 IDE DoubleClick up words in the code editor PaintPicture to highlight text and press the button that F1 .
You can download the program here.
Here is the code to draw a full color pixels to form a real long way (randomly) on the location and color when the user clicks on the form:
When you start the program and click on the form we will have pictures like this:
Just a bit of experience you can do animation (animation) or create amazing visual effects without having to touch the Windows API (Application Programming Interface) to use the BitBlt function .
Method PaintPicture
PaintPicture method allows you to quickly copy a block of data graphics, literally, a region in a graphic image on a form, PictureBox, or Printer to another place. For example, you copy an image from one place to another in the form, or from form / PictureBox to the Printer Object for a while after you print it out.Please start a new VB6 project and DoubleClick on a PictureBox Icon in the Toolbox to place a PictureBox on a form. PictureBox named was picGraphic and set its Visible property to False so that we do not see it at run-time.
Now load a picture into the Picture property of a Bitmap picGraphic Browse by file from the Properties window. Here we choose INTL_NO.BMP from the folder \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ Common \ Graphics \ Bitmaps \ Assorted
This image has been resized in order to avoid breaking the interface. Click here to view photo in full size (661x454)
In this program we want everyone when pressing the left button of mouse down and move the mouse cursor when the cursor is where they go, the INTL_NO are drawn to it.
We will use a Flag to mark the button-left-of-Mouse-Down, named flgMouseDown . Upon receiving themouseDown event is set flgMouseDown the True , and when receiving Event MouseUp flgMouseDown I reset to False . Every time you receive MouseMove Event is True, then if we will PaintPicture flgMouseDown INTL_NO.
To clear the form's background, we add a button to run the graphic method nameCmdClearForm Cls. Below is a sample code listing:
' Flag that indicates that the Mouse's left button is depressed Dim flgMouseDown As Boolean Private Sub Form_Load() ' Initialise flgMouseDown to False flgMouseDown = False End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Set Flag flgMouseDown flgMouseDown = True End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Paint picGraphic if flgMouseDown is True If flgMouseDown Then ' Paint full-size picGraphic at Mouse cursor location PaintPicture picGraphic.Picture, X, Y, picGraphic.Width, picGraphic.Height End If End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Reset Flag flgMouseDown flgMouseDown = False End Sub Private Sub CmdClearForm_Click() ' Clear the form Cls End Sub
This image has been resized in order to avoid breaking the interface. Click here to view photo in full size (517x352)
Note that you must declare variable flgMouseDown outside to any Sub Subs are found and can use it.For more details on how to use the method PaintPicture , the VB6 IDE DoubleClick up words in the code editor PaintPicture to highlight text and press the button that F1 .
You can download the program here.
Method PSet
We use the method PSet (from text Point Set ) to draw a pixel on the form. PSet we need to know where and with what color, that is we give it coordinates X, Y of pixels and a color from the RGB function.Here is the code to draw a full color pixels to form a real long way (randomly) on the location and color when the user clicks on the form:
In the above example we use the Randomize method to generate the memory available in any real numbers from 0 to about 0999. Then, every time you call Rnd Function (1) is that it will return a real number taken from the number by any method as long as Randomize generated. Therefore, Rnd (1) * ScaleWidth will give us a real number has values from 0 to ScaleWidth. Want to change it to Integer real numbers, we use the function Int .
Private Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer ' Variables for pixel coordinates Dim iXCoord As Integer Dim iYCoord As Integer ' Variable for primary colours Dim iRed As Integer Dim iGreen As Integer Dim iBlue As Integer ' Start the Random number generation Randomize ' Plot 2000 dots randomly For i = 1 To 2000 ' get a random XCoord. ' Note that Rnd(1) returns a real number between 0 and 1, eg: 0.384 iXCoord = Int(Rnd(1) * ScaleWidth) ' get a random YCoord. iYCoord = Int(Rnd(1) * ScaleHeight) ' Get a random number between 0 and 254 for each primary colour iRed = Int(Rnd(1) * 255) iGreen = Int(Rnd(1) * 255) iBlue = Int(Rnd(1) * 255) ' Plot the pixel at iXCoord,iYCoord PSet (iXCoord, iYCoord), RGB(iRed, iGreen, iBlue) Next MsgBox ("All done!") End Sub
When you start the program and click on the form we will have pictures like this:
Tip : To clear a spot back in place you Pset Dom was one of the same color as the BackColor of the form.
You can download the program here.
There are three ways to specify the coordinates of two ends of a line we want to draw:
Shade can also be painted inside the rectangle by using the method PSet to mark the spots separated by about 50 pixels as follows:
Shade darker want, you can put the spots are closer together, for example separated by 30 pixels instead of 50 pixels. Another way is to increase the value of DrawWidth , the thickness of the drawn line or spots.
Now coordinated by drawing a rectangle with the above method and Shade Print method we can write text inside a frame pale as follows:
You can also use the above techniques with the Printer Object to print the paper form filling details.
You can download the program here.
Please start a new VB6 project, set to form a button with the name frmCircle and caption & Circle Lines . DoubleClick on that button and write the following code:
To specify that we will draw from any location on the circle to another location, for example from 45do to 230do, we need to change the unit of Radian degree by using Function Rads as follows:
Here is the code draw two Pie Slices, which offset each other a little focus, and annotate 87.5% and 12.5%.
Here is the code I used to draw two oval the same size, a vertical purple and a green landscape.
You can download the program here.
Method Line
Line method to draw a straight line from these coordinates to coordinates in a color specified by us. Line with two methods PSet and we can do many things. Want for example a mobile object, he would have deleted it by drawing with the same color of the BackColor of the form, then he would draw in the new location. Want to draw a polygon, such as triangles or rectangles we assemble together multiple lines, each line is the beginning of the end of the line is drawn just before. Shade want to paint inside a rectangle we use PSet etc. ..There are three ways to specify the coordinates of two ends of a line we want to draw:
- Indicate the beginning and end coordinates of the line:
home du: Line (50, 100) - (3000, 4000)
When this road is finished, the location of the graphic cursor position coordinates of the end of the road, ie CurrentX CurrentY = 4000 = 3000 and in this case. - Only know the coordinates for the last line:
thí dụ: Line -(3600, 4500), vbMagenta
In this case the location of the graphic cursor (CurrentX, CurrentY) is taken as the coordinates of a line drawing. Ie if the line before execute this code and CurrentY CurrentX = 3000 = 4000 lines of code are equivalent:Line (3000.4000) - (3600.4500) vbMagenta
- Use the word Step to tell the difference between CurrentX and CurrentY:
thí dụ: Line Step(400, 600)-Step(800, -500), vbGreen
If this line of code before you execute CurrentX CurrentY = 4500 = 3600 and the equivalent lines of code:Line (4000,5100)-(4800,4600), vbGreen
To draw a rectangle, the most convenient way is to use the step as below:
Private Sub CmdTrianI_Click() ' Drawing a black triangle: METHOD I Line (700, 500)-(2800, 2400) Line (2800, 2400)-(1800, 900) Line (1800, 900)-(700, 500) End Sub Private Sub CmdTrianII_Click() ' Drawing a red triangle: METHOD II ' Draw a red line from Location(700, 500) to Location (2800, 24000) Line (700, 500)-(2800, 2400), vbRed ' Draw a red line from Location(2800,2400) to Location (1800,900) Line -(1800, 900), vbRed ' Draw a red line from Location(1800,900) to Location (700,500) Line -(700, 500), vbRed End Sub
We can draw a rectangle with rounded corners as follows:
Private Sub Rectangle(ByVal X1 As Integer, ByVal Y1 As Integer, ByVal X2 As Integer, ByVal Y2 As Integer) ' Draw a rectangle Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y1) Line -(X2, Y2) Line -(X1, Y2) Line -(X1, Y1) End Sub
Private Sub RoundCornerRectangle(ByVal X1 As Integer, ByVal Y1 As Integer, ByVal X2 As Integer, ByVal Y2 As Integer) Const Delta = 50 ' Draw a rectangle with round corner Line (X1 + Delta, Y1)-(X2 - Delta, Y1) Line -Step(Delta, Delta) Line -(X2, Y2 - Delta) Line -Step(-Delta, Delta) Line -(X1 + Delta, Y2) Line -Step(-Delta, -Delta) Line -(X1, Y1 + Delta) Line -Step(Delta, -Delta) End Sub |
Private Sub Shade(ByVal X1 As Integer, ByVal Y1 As Integer, ByVal X2 As Integer, ByVal Y2 As Integer) ' Shade a roundcorner rectangle by plotting dots using method Pset Const Delta = 50 Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer ' Make sure that X1 is less than X2 ' Swap values of X1, X2 if X1 > X2 If X2 < X1 Then Temp = X1 X1 = X2 X2 = Temp End If ' Make sure that Y1 is less than Y2 ' Swap values of Y1, Y2 if Y1 > Y2 If Y2 < Y1 Then Temp = Y1 Y1 = Y2 Y2 = Temp End If ' Plotting dots inside the rectangle at 50 pixels apart For i = X1 + Delta To X2 - Delta Step 50 For j = Y1 + Delta To Y2 - Delta Step 50 PSet (i, j) Next Next End Sub |
Now coordinated by drawing a rectangle with the above method and Shade Print method we can write text inside a frame pale as follows:
When you run this program and click all buttons on the form, you will be shown below:
Private Sub CmdDrawFrame_Click() Dim X1 As Integer Dim Y1 As Integer Dim X2 As Integer Dim Y2 As Integer ' Initialise Coordinates of rectangle X1 = 4200: Y1 = 1000 X2 = 6200: Y2 = 2000 ' Draw a roundcorner rectangle RoundCornerRectangle X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ' Shade the rectangle Shade X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ' Position cursor to Print some text CurrentX = X1 + 50 CurrentY = Y1 + 50 ' Define Font Size Font.Size = 18 ' Print the text at cursor location Print "Hello there!" End Sub
Remember to set property to True to form AutoDraw of the graphic drawing program is not lost when the user minimises form.
This image has been resized in order to avoid breaking the interface. Click here to view photo in full size (585x325)
You can also use the above techniques with the Printer Object to print the paper form filling details.
You can download the program here.
Method Circle
We use the Circle method to draw circles, ovals and road provision, with the inside painted empty or filled with a color you specify. We have to know the coordinates of the center circle and its radius.Please start a new VB6 project, set to form a button with the name frmCircle and caption & Circle Lines . DoubleClick on that button and write the following code:
Now place a button on another form called CmdArc and caption Draw Arc . Instead of drawing a single circle, we'll just draw a red arc.
Private Sub CmdCircleLine_Click() ' Draw a circle centered at 2000,1500 with radius equal 800 Circle (2000, 1500), 800 ' Draw a vertical line from center Line (2000, 1500)-Step(0, 800) ' Draw a horizontal line from center Line (2000, 1500)-Step(800, 0) End Sub
To specify that we will draw from any location on the circle to another location, for example from 45do to 230do, we need to change the unit of Radian degree by using Function Rads as follows:
Arcs are always drawn counter clockwise. Here is the code to draw a red arc radius 800, the focus in (4000, 2000), from 45do to 230do:
Private Function Rads(ByVal Degree As Single) As Single ' Convert Degrees to Radian Const PI = 22 / 7 Rads = Degree / 180 * PI End Function
We can paint inside the circle, or Pie Slices (part of the circle) set by FillStyle of 0 and specify color FillColor . A Slice Pie is an arc closed by two lines of glass at both ends of the radius. I want to draw a Pie Slice fighting for the minus (" - ") before the two values Radian, ie, with -Rads (45),-Rads (230) instead of Rads (45), Rads (230) .
Private Sub CmdArc_Click() Circle (4000, 2000), 800, vbRed, Rads(45), Rads(230) End Sub
Here is the code draw two Pie Slices, which offset each other a little focus, and annotate 87.5% and 12.5%.
Using the last of the Circle method to draw an oval (Elllipse) . Draw an oval like drawing a circle, but we need to add a parameter called Aspect . Aspect is the relation between the radius of vertical and horizontal radius. Aspect = 2 For example, if the height of the double oval horizontally, in contrast, if Aspect = 0.5, the width will double the height.
Private Sub CmdPie_Click() FillStyle = 0 ' Fill inside any closed shaped FillColor = vbYellow ' Draw a Pie Slice from 90deg to 45deg in Yellow Circle (3000, 4000), 800, , -Rads(90), -Rads(45) ' Position the graphic cursor to Print some text CurrentX = 2800: CurrentY = 4400 Print "87.5%" FillColor = vbBlue ' Draw a Pie Slice from 45deg to 90deg in Blue Circle (3050, 3900), 800, , -Rads(45), -Rads(90) ' Position the graphic cursor to Print some text CurrentX = 3400: CurrentY = 3000 Print "12.5%" FillStyle = 1 ' No fill End Sub
Here is the code I used to draw two oval the same size, a vertical purple and a green landscape.
If you start the program and click the four buttons you'll see the following:
Private Sub CmdEllipse_Click () Circle (1400, 3000), 800, vbMagenta,,, 2 Circle (1400, 3000), 800, vbBlue,,, 0.5 End Sub
You can download the program here.
Property DrawMode
Usually when I draw, default value of the property DrawMode is 13 - Copy Pen . There are a number of DrawMode very suitable for application of animation is 7 - XOR Pen . To delete a picture I just recently finished them in redrawing the DrawMode XOR pen, no matter how the previous background, it will appear again.(Video Games)
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