Menu in Windows is where all the commands of a program arranged by type in order to make us easy.
There are two common types of menu is: drop-down (drop down) menu and pop-up (up) menu. We use drop-down menu to menu for main program. Usually it is located above the tip of the screen.Horizontally along the Menu Bar, if you click on a command in the Menu Bar, the program will drop down a menu MenuItems along with the vertical. If you click on any MENUITEM small triangle marked on the right, the program will popup a menu as shown in the picture below (when I click Format | Make Same Size ):
The first is a blue streaks in the white frame of the Menu Editor, which displays the Command Menu Caption of the form first. When I type & File on textbox Caption , it also appears on the blue trail above.Then, you can type the name of the textbox Menu Command Name . Menu Command for a while but the name but I rarely use it, except that it visible / invisible (appear / disappear). Normally we use the name of MenuItems more.
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Main Menu
We use Menu Editor to create or edit a Menu for the program. Menu belonging to a Form. Therefore, first we select a Form Designer to work with it (and not code of Form). Then we use the Menu command Tools | Menu Editor or click the icon on the toolbar of the Menu Editor Menu Editor to make out.
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The first is a blue streaks in the white frame of the Menu Editor, which displays the Command Menu Caption of the form first. When I type & File on textbox Caption , it also appears on the blue trail above.Then, you can type the name of the textbox Menu Command Name . Menu Command for a while but the name but I rarely use it, except that it visible / invisible (appear / disappear). Normally we use the name of MenuItems more.
For a menu as shown in the picture below we will have to edit add MenuItems Open, Save, Close and Exit.
The following figure shows all of the Menu Command File MenuItems are all indented to the right with four dots (....) in the front. When you click through to the sign pointing're MENUITEM Edit will have four dots, which is indented one level in the menu (nested).
Similarly, when you click the sign pointing to the left're MENUITEM Edit will take four dots, a level that is protruded in the Menu.
If the user wants to use the Alt key to use the menu, type add a & before the character you want in the Caption menu. Eg Alt-F will drop down the File Menu of the Menu Command.
If you give MENUITEM & Open called mnuOpen , when you click on it on the Form Caption during design, VB6 IDE will display the shell of the Sub mnuOpen_Click () , like Sub cmdButton_Click () of a CommandButton:
In the above example we review a Statement to display a simple message "You clicked mnuOpen" . You can put a name MENUITEM whatever, but people often use the prefix mnu to easily distinguish a MENUITEM Event Event with a CommandButton. Therefore, we have the name mnuFile, mnuOpen, mnuSave, mnuClose, mnuExit.
The dash between the Close and Exit MenuItems called Menu Separator . You can insert a Separator Menu for Caption it by using the minus (-) .
In addition to the Alt key you can also use the Shortcut to User's MENUITEM. In order for MENUITEM a shortcut, select it from a ComboBox Shortcut Shortcut Menu Editor.
In the picture below we choose Ctrl + O to mnuOpen.
If the user wants to use the Alt key to use the menu, type add a & before the character you want in the Caption menu. Eg Alt-F will drop down the File Menu of the Menu Command.
If you give MENUITEM & Open called mnuOpen , when you click on it on the Form Caption during design, VB6 IDE will display the shell of the Sub mnuOpen_Click () , like Sub cmdButton_Click () of a CommandButton:
Private Sub mnuOpen_Click() MsgBox "You clicked mnuOpen" End Sub |
The dash between the Close and Exit MenuItems called Menu Separator . You can insert a Separator Menu for Caption it by using the minus (-) .
In addition to the Alt key you can also use the Shortcut to User's MENUITEM. In order for MENUITEM a shortcut, select it from a ComboBox Shortcut Shortcut Menu Editor.
In the picture below we choose Ctrl + O to mnuOpen.
By default, the Enabled and Visible MENUITEM. Now you can design for MENUITEM initial value of the Enabled and Visible and Enabled checkboxes using Visible.
While running program (at runtime), you can also change the values Enabled and Visible are as follows:
mnuSave.Enabled = False mnuOpen.Visible = False |
You use these marks up and down arrows to move MENUITEM was selected up and down the list of MenuItems. You use the button Delete to cancel MENUITEM has been selected, Insert to insert a new right on MENUITEM MENUITEM were selected and Next to select the right under MENUITEM MENUITEM has been selected.
Pop-up Menu
For the User, are working with an object in Windows means we can do is display the Context Menu (Menu situations apply to the right) with one mouse click. Usually it is the Right Click Context Menu and is also known as Pop-up Menu . Pop-Up menu, the very fact of a drop-down menu Command Menu Bar.Normal Command Menu Bar visible or invisible it may be (the disabled).In the picture below, the User Right click on the form, mnuEdit will appear. If you do not normally want to use it in the Main User Menu, you give it invisible:
Popup menu code to make-up is written in an object's mouseDown event that happened here is that of the female form:
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Popup the Edit Menu if User clicked the Right Button of the Mouse If Button = vbRightButton Then PopupMenu mnuEdit End If End Sub |
Settings menu in the Registry contains
User billion program to fake an Option WordWrap you like this:Option Program you want to remember that User has chosen, so next time the program startup User Option WordWrap also retains the same value.
The most convenient way is to store a value of Option WordWrap Key in the Registry . Registry is a special database of Windows Operating System used to store the data related to Users, Hardware, Configurations, etc. .. ActiveX Components used in the computer. In the Registry, data is arranged according to each class. You can directly edit the value by using Registry Keys in the Registry Editor .
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In this program we also captured by the way always remember the location of the program when the program stopped Form, next to the User boot program, the program will initially position the same as before.
I will use to contain Checked Sub SaveSetting value of mnuWordWrap and Left, Top ofForm. I'll leave that code in the Sub Form_QueryUnload because it will be before theForm Unload executed.
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) SaveSettings End Sub Private Sub SaveSettings() ' Save Location of the form SaveSetting App.Title, "Location", "Left", Me.Left SaveSetting App.Title, "Location", "Top", Me.Top ' Save the setting of WordWrap in menu SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "WordWrap", mnuWordWrap.Checked End Sub |
When the container value of something (we call Key ) to the Registry, you can arrange for it in Sectionsole discretion. Here we set out two Sections name Location to hold the Top, Left of the Form and name settings to accommodate mnuWordWrap.Checked Key.
Want to have the value of the program stored in the Registry Keys when it starts I just use GetSetting Function in Sub Form_Load to read in from the Registry as follows:
Private Sub Form_Load() ' Initialise Location of the form by reading the Settings from the Registry Me.Left = Val(GetSetting(App.Title, "Location", "Left", "0")) Me.Top = Val(GetSetting(App.Title, "Location", "Top", "0")) ' Initialise setting of WordWrap in the menu mnuWordWrap.Checked = ( GetSetting(App.Title, "Settings", "WordWrap", "False") = "True" ) End Sub |
In addition we also want to remember the name of the third program uses the most recent User Files. Ie in the Drop-down Menu Command File will be MENUITEM Recent Files to display Files from one to three names, the latest on the end. First, we need to create 3 SubmenuItem but bearing the same name mnuRFile Index by 0.1 and 2 (you type into the textbox Index ). Captions we will use them to display names of the files. Filename not have any at the MENUITEM Recent Files will be dimmed (ie mnuRecentFiles.Enabled = False).
I shall contain the name as a String in the Files Section of the Registry Settings. Iseparate the files by name delimiter character |. Example: "LattestFileName.txt|OldFileName.txt|OldestFilename.txt"
Each time a User Open File name File we'll add it into the Registry at any time and keep only the names of three new Files use most.
Here is the code used to add new file names for most in the Registry:
Private Sub mnuOpen_Click() ' Initialise Folder in Common Dialog CommonDialog1.InitDir = App.Path ' Launch the dialog CommonDialog1.ShowOpen ' Save the Filename in the Registry, using Object myRecentFiles myRecentFiles.AddFile CommonDialog1.FileName End Sub |
In Sub Form_Load code used to read and display the name RecentFiles Menu:
' Set myRecentFiles = New clsRecentFiles ' Pass the form handle to it ' This effectively loads the most recently used FileNames to menu myRecentFiles.Init Me |
We will use a Class name clsRecentFiles to special care of the Registry Files containing names and display them in the name of the Files Menu. Inside I could clsRecentFiles clsString , is a Class String song helps us break out in the name of the Registry Files based on the delimiter character where | .
' Author: Le Duc Hong ' Class Name: clsRecentFiles ' This Class saves the most Recent FileNames used in the Registry in form of ' a String delimited by |. ' Up to MaxFiles Filenames maybe stored. ' You need to pass the Form that contains the menu to it. ' The assumption is that you have created an array of MenuItems named mnuRFile ' to display the FileNames ' Const MaxFiles = 3 ' Maximum number of FileNames to remember Private myForm As Form Private RecentFiles As clsString Public Sub Init(TForm As frmMenu) Set myForm = TForm Set RecentFiles = New clsString ' Read the Most Recent Filename String from the Registry RecentFiles.Text = GetSetting(App.Title, "Settings", "RecentFiles", "") ' Assign the Delimiter character and tokennise the String (i.e. split it) into FileNames RecentFiles.Delimiter = "|" UpdateMenu End Sub Public Sub AddFile(FileName As String) ' Add the latest FileName to the list and update the Registry ' Prefix the FileName to the existing MostRecentFileName String RecentFiles.Text = FileName & "|" & RecentFiles.Text ' Discard the oldest FileNames if the total number is greater than MaxFiles If RecentFiles.TokenCount > MaxFiles Then Dim TStr As String Dim i As Integer ' Reconstitute the String that contains only the most recent MaxFiles FileNames For i = 1 To MaxFiles TStr = TStr & RecentFiles.TokenAt(i) & "|" Next ' Remove the last delimiter character on the right RecentFiles.Text = Left(TStr, Len(TStr) - 1) End If ' Update the String in the Registry SaveSetting App.Title, "Settings", "RecentFiles", RecentFiles.Text UpdateMenu End Sub Private Sub UpdateMenu() ' Display the most recent Filenames in the menu Dim i As Integer ' If there is no FileNames to display then disable the MenuItem entry If RecentFiles.TokenCount = 0 Then myForm.mnuRecentFiles.Enabled = False Exit Sub Else ' Otherwise enable the MenuItem entry myForm.mnuRecentFiles.Enabled = True End If ' Assign FileName to Caption of mnuRFile array and make the MenuItem elements visible For i = 1 To RecentFiles.TokenCount myForm.mnuRFile(i - 1).Caption = RecentFiles.TokenAt(i) ' Assign to Caption myForm.mnuRFile(i - 1).Visible = True ' Make the MenuItem visible If i = MaxFiles Then Exit For ' This line maybe unnecessary Next ' Make the rest of the MenuItem array mnuRFile invisible if there are less than MaxFiles If RecentFiles.TokenCount < MaxFiles Then For i = RecentFiles.TokenCount To MaxFiles - 1 myForm.mnuRFile(i).Visible = False Next End If End Sub |
to see more of the Keys that program was contained in Sections Location and Settings FolderHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ VB and VBA Program Settings \ Menu
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Bạn có thể download source code của program mẫu nầy kể cả class clsRecentFiles.
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