1. How to create virtual machines from VMware Workstation:
To use VMware we first need to create a virtual machine, where we will be used to install the operating system. We can choose HDD space, RAM space, the virtual machine's network connectivity ... The next thing to do is install an operating system on virtual machine. Currently, VMware supports a wide assortment of installing the operating system. We can install the version of Windows, Linux, Unix ... on VMware virtual machines. Installing the operating system on virtual machines completely similar to the way it installed on the machine.
Create virtual machines using Windows XP Professional.
To install a virtual machine, the RAM requirements are necessary because of Ram to use for virtual machines running, but the machines do the same, Windows Xp need 128 MB to run the virtual machine needs the same. Therefore it should be your RAM> = 512 MB.
Capacities of hard drives is the problem, if you use Microsoft's operating system is selected around 5GB is enough storage for a virtual machine after installing Windows XP Professional operating system is complete, the cost is only 1.3GB.
- Run the program VMware Workstation .
- Only menu File chọn New -> Virtual Machine ... (Ctrl + N).
Create virtual machines using Windows XP Professional.
To install a virtual machine, the RAM requirements are necessary because of Ram to use for virtual machines running, but the machines do the same, Windows Xp need 128 MB to run the virtual machine needs the same. Therefore it should be your RAM> = 512 MB.
Capacities of hard drives is the problem, if you use Microsoft's operating system is selected around 5GB is enough storage for a virtual machine after installing Windows XP Professional operating system is complete, the cost is only 1.3GB.
- Run the program VMware Workstation .
- Only menu File chọn New -> Virtual Machine ... (Ctrl + N).
- Monitor Welcome virtual machine appears, click Next .
- Tại hộp thoại Select the Appropriate Configuration chọn tùy chọn ¤ Typical (sử dụng các thiết lập mặc định), nếu muốn tự lựa chọn các thiết lập thì chọn mục ¤ Custom. Sau đó nhấn Next.
- Next, select the operating system vendors and operating systems respectively. In this article we choose guest operating system is Windows XP Professional . Click Next to continue.
- In the dialog " Name the Virtual Machine "Choose a name for the virtual machine and the file storage directory of the virtual machine. My default will save the current document if the user wants to change the button Browse to select where to store other. Then click Next .
- Choose type of network to connect the virtual machine and computer. Can choose the default bridged networking ¤ Use . Then click Next .
- In the " Disk capacity "allows you to adjust the size of the HDD for virtual machines, attention þ select disk into 2GB files spilled because with Windows XP Professional to manage files larger than 2GB hard.Then click Finish to complete.
- Choose Close to end
- Màn hình giao diện VMware Workstation
2. Resource sharing of virtual machines:
To share resources for virtual machines, from the main program menu select VM \ Settings ...
Sharing a-RAM: Depending on the amount of RAM computer. Memory RAM choose to share.
To share resources for virtual machines, from the main program menu select VM \ Settings ...
Sharing a-RAM: Depending on the amount of RAM computer. Memory RAM choose to share.
Figure 1: Change the size of RAM
b-Share HDD: When creating virtual machines, we will create a dedicated virtual HDD on the computer.Virtual HDD space is created on the physical disc, so do not affect the data are available on disc. Possible option of HDD capacity, may be fixed immediately or storage capacity can also leave your hard drive is, it will change depending on the process used.
Figure 2: Optional hard disk
c-Share CD-ROM: The virtual machine can use the CD-ROM of the real machine (¤ Use physical drive). In addition, we can use an ISO file to CD-ROM into the virtual machine (¤ Use ISO image), this virtual machine will get ISO file like a CD-ROM drive is.
Figure 3: Options for CD-ROM drive
d-Share Ethernet network card: Once installed, VMware will create two network cards and VMware8 VMware1 on real facts and machines can use two network cards to connect to the virtual machine. When choosing a network configuration for the virtual machine, we can choose one of the following modes:
Figure 4: Select the network configuration Bridged Networking:
Virtual machine's network card will be directly related to the physical computer's network card (using Virtual Switch VMnet0). This time, the virtual machine will act as a real network, can receive DHCP from the external network, or set a static IP outside the range of the network to communicate with computers outside the network or the Internet.
Figure 5: The network structure Bridged Networking
Virtual machine is configured to use NAT IP of the machine is to communicate with external network.Virtual machines are granted through an IP address of the VMware virtual DHCP. This time, the virtual machine will connect to your virtual switch via VMnet8 real, and it will play your NAT server for virtual machines.
Figure 6: NAT Network Structure
Host-only Networking: When configuring the virtual machine to use host-only networking, the virtual machine will be connected to the real machine in a virtual private network through an Ethernet switch VMnet1 +. Address of the virtual machine and host-only network it may be issued by the virtual DHCP VMnet1 + associated with the virtual switch or can put together a static IP address range to connect with each other.
Figure 7: Structure of Host-Only Network
In addition to the above connection, can use the virtual switch in VMware virtual machines to connect into a system. After installation, the VMware virtual switch from preset 10 to VMnet9 VMnet0. In addition to the Virtual Switch VMnet0 (for Bridged Networking Network), VMnet8 (for Nat Networking Network) and VMnet1 + (used for Host-Only Networking Network), while seven other virtual switch to make the connection of virtual machines. Can set the IP on the machine connected to the virtual switch to get DHCP, static IP or you can set the range for these machines to ensure they are connected to each other.
Can only know the way to the virtual machine through the NIC to go out there for HOST NIC. From the main menu select Edit Virtual Network Settings.
Figure 8: Configuring Network
To install the operating system for virtual machines, the same physical computer. It is Windows XP Professional CD into your computer and then just one virtual machine interface click Start this virtual machine.
e. Share USB devices: USB driver, USB devices when plugged into a computer so it will get on your clothes. Can skip this driver if necessary.
f. Install / remove devices to the virtual machine: You can install the add / remove HDD, CR-ROM, USB driver ... by selecting Add / Remove and then select the corresponding device.
3. Using Snapshot:
Snapshot of the virtual machine saves the state of the virtual machine. Snapshot will save information on your hard drive, RAM and the VM Settings. After saving the snapshot, can return to the status of the virtual machine at any time. VMware allows multiple snapshots of virtual machines, so users can use a virtual machine in many different contexts, to save time for configuration. When necessary we will use the manager to use Snapshot Manager to switch to the desired state.
Snapshot of the virtual machine saves the state of the virtual machine. Snapshot will save information on your hard drive, RAM and the VM Settings. After saving the snapshot, can return to the status of the virtual machine at any time. VMware allows multiple snapshots of virtual machines, so users can use a virtual machine in many different contexts, to save time for configuration. When necessary we will use the manager to use Snapshot Manager to switch to the desired state.
Figure 9: Configuring a Virtual Machine Snapshot for use in many contexts
4. Capture Movie:
Use this feature to record the operations on virtual machines with video playback equipment for lessons
Figure 10: Write operation on a virtual machine add-Capture Movie
5. Some other utilities:
- Some commonly used shortcuts:
F2: SETUP On-screen
ESC: Hien Boot menu
Ctrl + Alt: Move the cursor back and forth between real and virtual machines
Ctrl + Alt + Enter: Click to enlarge / shrink the virtual machine monitor
- VMware Tools Tool: After installation is complete Windows cursor to move flexibly between real and virtual machines you install the VMware Tools from the menu by VM / Install VMware Tools ... in order to allow easy simply move the cursor flexibility between real and virtual machines as well as drag / drop to copy data between real and virtual machines.
- Some commonly used shortcuts:
F2: SETUP On-screen
ESC: Hien Boot menu
Ctrl + Alt: Move the cursor back and forth between real and virtual machines
Ctrl + Alt + Enter: Click to enlarge / shrink the virtual machine monitor
- VMware Tools Tool: After installation is complete Windows cursor to move flexibly between real and virtual machines you install the VMware Tools from the menu by VM / Install VMware Tools ... in order to allow easy simply move the cursor flexibility between real and virtual machines as well as drag / drop to copy data between real and virtual machines.
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