But inevitably you're using blogspot interested in how your blog will be the search engine known and well known than your blog. After the implementation time to learn SEO for his blog, I now share with you has played and is using blogspot blogspot on my Blog SEO for the truth to achieve good results in search engines.
I / First of all I would recommend on how to remove duplicate content ( Delete Duplicate content)
Duplicate Content is a bad bug to SEO, the search engine will be treated as spam and lowering your rank. To solve this problem by Blogger, you follow these steps:
1. Access Google Webmaster Tools (log in with your Google account such as Gmail, Google Adsense, .. or if not registered)
2. Click Add a site and enter your website address (only enter the domain, do not enter http://)
3. Vào Blogger.com, Blogger Dashboard –> Layout –> Edit HTML. Paste đoạn mega tag này vào sau chữ <head>. Nếu bạn gặp lỗi không save được thì thêm đoạn </meta> sau mega tag đó.
4. Return to the Webmaster Tools , the Site Configurations -> sitemaps. Add the following to "feeds / posts / default"If not then replaced by the "feeds / posts / default? Redirect = false"
The aim is to remove all the Archives page, the Google index does not lead to more duplicate content.
Click vào “New removal Request” và chọn “Individual URLs: web pages, images, or other files” rồi nhấn Next.
Here you will enter your archive links, like this:
- Financial http://ten khoan.blogspot.com/nam_thang_01_archive.html (If you use a subdomain of blogspot)
- http://www. domain of ban.com/nam_thang_01_archive.html (If you own the domain)
6. Vào Site Configuration –> Settings. Ở phần Parameter handling chọn Adjust parameter settings . Thêm đoạn showComment vào ô trống. Chọn Igrone rồi Save lại. Bước này tránh cho Google index comment, giúp không bị duplicate content.
So you have finished your tips Duplicate content Delete this.
I I / Optimal Title article on search to increase Traffic (welcome to read article)
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